Cornerstone Bible Institute (CBI) is a ministry of Cornerstone Bible Church designed to help equip believers to grow in their Christian walk and to serve more effectively in the local church by developing a foundational knowledge of the Bible, Christian doctrine, church history, local church ministry, and Christian living.

aaron-burden-535Npq1wFG8-unsplash-2048x1536About CBI

CBI is a convenient and inexpensive opportunity to receive a quality, well-rounded Bible education. Each course is designed for 8 sessions, meeting weekly for 75 minutes.

Enrollment: CBI is open to members and regular attenders.
Tuition Cost: Each course is $20, due upon registration. 

Register Here


Certificate and Audit Programs

CBI offers both a certificate program and an audit program. The certificate program involves the completion of 12 courses that cover topics in the Old Testament, New Testament, Theology, Church History, and Practical Theology. Each class will have some reading assignments, quizzes, and exams. Upon successful completion of all 12 courses, the student will receive a Bible Certificate. The audit program allows students to take any class for non-credit, without any assignments or exams.

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
1353 S. Mason Rd.
Katy, TX 77450

Enrollment: CBI is open to members and regular attenders.
Tuition Cost: Each course is $20, due upon registration. 

Register Here
WINTER Courses: JAN 8 - MAR 5

Old Testament Survey 1
Instructor: Harold Williams
Wednesdays, 6:10-7:20 pm
This course introduces and overviews the first half of the Old Testament -- part of God’s revelation of Himself as the righteous, but merciful, promise-maker and keeper. Even for many students of the Word, this is part of “The Book” to which many of us in our contemporary world remain largely unexposed.

New Testament Survey 1
Instructor: Jakob Schmidt
Wednesdays, 7:30 – 8:45 pm
This course is designed to provide an introduction, general overview, and walkthrough of the Gospels, Acts, and Romans.


Mark your calendars for Spring 2025!

spring Courses: MAR 19 - MAY 14

The Life of Christ
Instructor: Joel Sherrill
Wednesdays, 6:10-7:20 pm

Overview of Church History
Instructor: Chris Bayack
Wednesdays, 7:30 – 8:45 pm

12 Core Curriculum Classes – Two Years to Complete

Introduction to Scripture
Theology I
Theology II
Theology III
Theology IV

OT Introduction I
OT Introduction II
NT Introduction I
NT Introduction II
Survey of Church History

A complete doctrinal statement is available here.

Email us to get more information or to be added to our mailing list.

Student Portal

CBI Distinctives

  • Sufficiency and Authority of the Bible
  • Sovereignty of God in Salvation
  • Dispensational in Eschatology
  • Biblical View of Marriage
  • Complementarian in Biblical Roles
  • Young Earth Creationism
  • Cessationist in Miraculous Gifts
  • The Primacy of the Local Church